Queen Blanche teaches the young St. Louis to abhor sin

March 13, 2014

St Louis being taught by his Mother

St Louis being taught by his Mother

When Queen Blanche became the mother of St. Louis, she received him from God as a treasure to be guarded with the utmost care.

From his earliest years she kept one great thought before his mind to love above all things his Heavenly Father, and never to offend Him by sin.


Often when the little boy was playing by her side, or sitting on her knee, she would say to him: “My own dear child, God knows how much I love you; no mother could ever love her son more than I love you, yet sooner would I see you lying dead at my feet than know that you had offended God by a mortal sin.”

When he grew up, and when the day of temptation came, these words of his good mother came before his mind, and he always remained faithful to God.

Painting of Queen Blanche and St. Louis by Joseph-Marie Vien.

Painting of Queen Blanche and St. Louis by Joseph-Marie Vien.

Rev. D. Chisholm, The Catechism in Examples (London: R & T Washbourne, Ltd., 1919), 253-4.

Short Stories on Honor, Chivalry, and the World of Nobility—no. 367


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