Two Americas Clash

May 8, 2014

Code of Federal Regulations, more and more laws and regulations that are being put upon the American people.

Code of Federal Regulations, more and more laws and regulations that are being put upon the American people.

We have observed—and many political analysts concur—that the country is divided into two Americas. One is defined by our faltering cooperative union; the other is formed around the willingness to sacrifice for God, family, and country. The outcome of this clash of mentalities depends upon the actions we will be forced to take. Subscription1

The force of circumstances is upon us. Like it or not, we will be obliged to take action in the face of the present crisis. It is not a matter of if but when we will change and what our course will be.

Procession of Virgen del Puerto in Huelva, Spain. Photo by Donpositivo

Procession of Virgen del Puerto in Huelva, Spain. Photo by Donpositivo

As in all times of major change, the dangers posed are great. We must ask if our reaction will be well chosen. Our future course must not be based upon impulses where we grab onto anything when fleeing a situation. It should be based upon the deliberation of sound ideas and principles. It should be based upon an articulate vision of an organic order.


John Horvat, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go (York, Penn.: York Press, 2013), 306.


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