By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Now, I take advantage to say that the Church’s Crusading and militant spirit was intimately united with the condition of noble and warrior. And the nobility gradually faded as well.
And, to be precise, I believe that there will be no Reign of Mary if this spirit is not entirely reborn. My intention in founding the Nobility Commission is precisely for the TFP to have knowledge of what the spirit of nobility was like; most nobles are unaware of what it was. And with the spirit of nobility, the spirit of warfare taken even to a domain in which war is nonexistent: life in society.
So social life should be the social life of a warrior and not just of any man; and a bellicose note should be present, and nobly present, for example, in university debates and in everything else. In this way, something of the Church’s bellicose and militant character will penetrate all society which will be the opposite of the UNESCO, UN, etc. that we have today, which as you know has completely permeated our epoch.
(Excerpt from an Almoço, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1990 –