By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
In that period called feudal anarchy, in which the feudal lords, with a hypertrophied notion of their own rights, overweening pride and zero notion of organic society launched forth against the kings, the issue became so pressing as to require emphasizing the role of the king and taking the notion of this role as far as the Catholic Church would permit.
Well, then, as a punishment for mankind, or for whatever reason, that caused a reaction.
The Capitulation of Granada, Painting by Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz. Boabdil gives the keys of the city to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Take, for example, the combative spirit (by the way, Cervantes caught a bit of this: in some ways his Don Quixote was an exaggeration of those virtues that later wilted and died). The combative spirit led those people to invent wars against one another very easily and for any or no reason, in most cases with a defined and determined intention of personal gain.
So those were not wars waged for a region, or for a cause, but because a big boss wanted to grow in importance. He was not content with his situation. He wanted to climb to a place he did not belong, and thus he created an unbearable situation for everyone trying to put that society in order.
(Excerpt from an MNF, Thursday, Sept. 14, 1989 – translation)