The cat is a living plaything

September 21, 2023

Those men that interest themselves solely with great things are not great men. Great men are those who know how to see great horizons also in little things.

The cat is an animal extraordinarily rich in aspects.It is a miniscule beast of prey, a tiger in miniature, which is seen at times snatching something up, at others sinking its teeth into something, pouncing unexpectedly, startling someone or something, or causing an uproar and breaking what it has come across.

But, when the feral element within it grows calm, the cat shows itself in a different light: delightfully lively, delicate and distinct in its gestures, expressive in its attitudes, affectionate and tender, ultimately, truly a living plaything.

However, it is a plaything which doesn’t have the air of a mere trifle, in general inseparable from even the most refined playthings.

Because its gaze has something magnetic and unfathomable, something reserved and enigmatic, the cat maintains the terrible and attractive superiority of that which is mysterious.

O Universo é uma Catedral: Excertos do pensamento de Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira recolhidos por Leo Daniele, Edições Brasil de Amanhã, São Paulo, 1997.



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