Although the present difficult circumstances have advised Us this year to give your traditional audience an external form different from the custom, neither the reception of your homages and vows nor the expression of Our best wishes for you and your families has lost any of their intimate value and profound significance.
Just as the heart of the common Father needs few words to pour out into the hearts of the children so close to him, so your mere presence is in itself the most eloquent testimony and clearest confirmation of your undying feelings of loyalty and devotion to this Apostolic See and to the Vicar of Christ.

What We expect of you is above all a strength of soul that even the harshest trials cannot vanquish; a strength of soul that should make you not only perfect soldiers of Christ for yourselves, but also, as it were, instructors and supporters for those who might be tempted to doubt or give in.
The gravity of the hour can only disturb and shake those who are lukewarm and hesitant. For ardent and generous souls accustomed to living in Christ and with Christ, it is, on the contrary, a powerful stimulus to overcoming it. And you, no doubt, wish to be among that number.
Therefore, what We expect of you is above all a strength of soul that even the harshest trials cannot vanquish; a strength of soul that should make you not only perfect soldiers of Christ for yourselves, but also, as it were, instructors and supporters for those who might be tempted to doubt or give in.
Prince Eugene in the Battle of Belgrade 1717

We expect of you…a readiness to act that is not daunted nor discouraged by any anticipation of sacrifice that might be required for the common good
What We expect of you is, secondly, a readiness to act that is not daunted nor discouraged by any anticipation of sacrifice that might be required for the common good; a readiness and a fervor that, in making you swift to carry out all your duties as Catholics and citizens, should keep you from falling into an apathetic, inert “abstentionism,” which would be a grievous sin at a time when the most vital interests of religion and country are at stake.
What We expect of you, lastly, is a generous adhesion—not under your breath and for the mere sake of formality, but from the bottom of your hearts and carried out without reservation—to Christian doctrine and the Christian life, to the precept of brotherhood and social justice, the observance of which cannot fail to ensure you spiritual and temporal happiness.

We expect of you…a generous adhesion—not under your breath and for the mere sake of formality, but from the bottom of your hearts and carried out without reservation—to Christian doctrine and the Christian life
May this strength of soul, this fervor, this brotherly spirit guide every one of your steps and reaffirm your path in the course of the New Year, which has been so uncertain in its birth and almost seems to be leading you toward a dark tunnel.
It will therefore probably be not only a year of arduous trials for you, but also one of inner light, of spiritual joy, and beneficent victories.
With this expectation and with unshaken faith in the Lord and the Virgin who protects this Eternal city, We give you, with all Our heart, Our paternal Apostolic blessing.
Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII (Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, January 14, 1948), pp. 423-424.