Book by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Launched in Portugal
by Antonio Carlos de Azeredo Special for Catolicismo
LISBON—The Portuguese TFP has promoted at the Estoril Palace Hotel, a few kilometers from this capital, a colloquy about the book by the illustrious President of the Brazilian TFP titled, Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in the Allocutions of Pius XII to the Roman Patriciate and Nobility.
Estoril Palace is one of the most traditional hotels in Portugal. The session was held in its broad and majestic imperial hall and gathered more than a hundred personalities, many of them belonging to the Portuguese or Spanish nobility.

The speakers panel and the audience at the launching of Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in the Estoril Palacio Hotel in Estoril, Portugal.
Present were the Duke of Maqueda and the Countess of San Isidro, from Spain. From Portugal came the Marquis of Valença and the Marquis of Praia e Montfort, the Count of Proença Velha, who spoke about the work by the prominent Brazilian Catholic thinker, as well as the Counts of Azambuja and São Martinho.
In his substantive exposition, the Count of Proença Velha emphasized the importance and relevance of the work by the Brazilian TFP President, brilliantly analyzing it from various standpoints. On closing, he commented that the book made him feel the presence of God, “as it were, a breath from God.” And he added that the work “holds us responsible in such a way not only for what we are, but for what we must be and do, that I dare call it the Gospel of Nobles.”
The Count of Cartaxo next took the podium, emphasizing that the author calls on nobles to “actively participate [in the life of society] with their talents, values, traditions and experiences, thus contributing to the common good.”
Then spoke the young attorney Augusto de Athayde, grandson and heir to the Counts of Albuquerque. He developed two topics dealt with in the book: 1) traditional elites as the driving force of true progress and guardians of tradition; 2) importance of aristocratic institutions in modern democracies.
In his capacity as President of the Portuguese TFP, the author of these lines was honored to read the admirable speech that Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira sent the colloquy. The public in attendance showed great interest in this piece of oratory and warmly applauded it.
In the cocktail that followed the session, the book analyzed in the colloquy remained the main topic of conversation, as it expounded the whole doctrinal foundation for the mission of elites in society according to papal teaching, giving authentic elites new vigor and encouragement.
Five students from the celebrated University of Coimbra, with their typical black gowns and cloaks, graced the session and greatly marked the ambience.
All participants were greatly impressed with the ability of the Portuguese TFP to rally active young men capable of effectively influencing the country’s future directions.