By Leo Daniele
Few things are as simple as inequality. Few are as complicated, convoluted and misguided as egalitarianism.
In this world without dogmas or religion, egalitarianism has become a “dogma” of sorts. As far as egalitarians are concerned, inequalities are like illnesses: while they cannot be completely avoided, they should be curtailed as much as possible.
True or false? False! As can be read in the book by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites. As a matter of fact, the immemorial wisdom of peoples rejects that egalitarian concept.
Lack of space prevents us from giving a methodical and thorough explanation on the topic of inequalities as Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira, deemed the “theologian of social inequalities” would do. At any rate, let us take a quick look at short sentences about this matter that echo the wisdom of peoples over several millennia.
* The old Euripides said that equality has no existence other than its name;
* Plutarch remarked that the distance from animal to animal across the different species is not as great as the one from man to man.
* The Arabs note that not even the five fingers of a hand are equal.
* The Germans, in turn, recommend to anyone looking for equality, to go to a cemetery.
* The Indians say,“among men, some are jewels, others pebbles.”
* The Turks wittingly add that “Swans belong to the same family as ducks, only they are swans.”
* The Greeks state, “If the sun did not exist, it would be night despite the presence of all the stars.”
* Vauvenargues concludes, “Nature has made nothing equal; its sovereign law is submission and dependence.”

Snowflakes: A few of the nearly 5,000 photographs taken by Wilson Bentley, whose hobby was photographing snowflakes.
Each reader can add his own observations, for not even two drops of rainwater dropping on a glass pane are equal. If that is so, it is because God willed it so. Let us therefore head for the heights! As Our Lord taught, “Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
What to conclude? God is the Author of all inequalities and, save for the fundamental equality derived from the fact that all men have the same nature and the same fundamental rights, if we want to love God we must love inequalities.
Well… if many people have this view, numerous elites will naturally form. Yes, true elites. Traditional elites. Authentic elites. Whose absence is now so sorely felt in today’s society.