Christine Grahame, the convener of Holyrood’s justice committee, said the party has pledged to hold a public vote on a separate Scotland having a “full-blown monarchy, an edited version or go for a republic”.
“ I have no problems with that, being a wholehearted democrat,” she wrote.
…Nationalists published a draft written constitution for an independent Scotland in 2002 promising a referendum on the monarchy. The first evidence of a change was Mr Salmond’s National Conversation consultation on the constitution in 2007, but this was not approved by SNP members.

Guards posted outside the front entrance to the Palace of Holyroodhouse when the Queen is in residence. Photograph by Philip Allfrey.
Click here to read the full article in The Telegraph. Editorial Comment: —
Would Scots vote for a republic?
The tremendous advances of the egalitarian ideology on the one hand and the weakening of the monarchic sentiment on the other certainly make this possible.
Yet it would be a shame beyond description and a rupture with Tradition and Scottish history. No one really knows how ancient the Stone of Scone is. Legend holds that Scotland’s Coronation Stone was used by Jacob to rest his head in sleep, when fleeing the persecution of his brother Esau, and that while asleep God gave him a vision of Heaven.
In ushering in a republic Scots would break the continuity of millennia, but do the followers of revolutionary egalitarianism care? Not in the least. They despise Tradition.