(based on a talk by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira)
A magistrate has a dignity that is proper to him. A servant does not have it.
Dignity and mutual respect in dealing with men make social life bearable and even agreeable. Without this, because of the sad consequences of Original Sin plus the vulgarity of our times, human convivium becomes impossible, or at least an unsupportable burden.

A young girl curtsies as she presents a bouquet of flowers to Queen Elizabeth II outside Brisbane City Hall in March 1954.
If one desires social relationships to be enjoyable and agreeable, then one must never permit a spirit of excessive intimacy. This does not mean that one should not have intimacy with another. It does mean though that this intimacy should be impregnated with great respect. True friendship will exist only if it is based on love of God and on these principles. If these are not present, the resulting convivium will be boring.