Love of Faith and country trump parental love

April 4, 2013

Palace of the Kings of Majorca in the city of Perpignan, France.

In 1475, during the siege of his city, the French sent word to Jean Blanca, Bourgeois of Perpignan and first consul, that if he did not surrender the town they would execute his son whom they held captive. In reply, the governor told the French emissaries:

“—My faith and the service of my lord the King are more precious to me than my very flesh and blood. If you are this cruel and inhumane, and weapons be lacking for the execution, then I give you mine, but love for my son will never make me oblivious of my duty to my God, my King, and my country.”


Vicente Vega, Diccionário ilustrado de anécdotas (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1965), 1537. ( translation.)

Short Stories on Honor, Chivalry, and the World of Nobility—no. 270



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