According to The Guardian:
…for the Queen’s visit this week, soundings were obviously taken inside the Vatican about whether it would be OK for the Queen to wear one of her signature brightly coloured outfits, and the word came back that would be absolutely fine. Which is yet another of those subtle but hugely significant signs coming out of the Francis pontificate. Because while on the one hand it doesn’t matter a fig whether an elderly woman meeting an elderly man in Rome wears black or lilac, on another level it denotes a rethink on that ancient and pernicious mindset within the Vatican…
To read the entire article in The Guardian, please click here.

Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh were received in private Audience by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on October 17, 1980.
For links to pictures from previous visits of the British Royal Family to the Popes, please visit this link. (Be sure to visit all three pages.)
And this link has more pictures.