Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira, in his masterly work Revolution and Counter-Revolution, demonstrates that the chaos of the modern world has a cause. It is a profound cause that begets all the evils of the modern world. It has, if you will, its own personality, its own reason for being; and its name is “the Revolution.”

Pansexuality flag or Pansexual pride flag. Three horizontal stripes of color, from the top: pink, yellow, light blue. The blue portion of the flag represents those who identify as male (regardless of biological sex), The pink represents those who identify as female (regardless of biological sex), and the yellow portion, found in between the blue and pink portions, represents those who identify as both genders, neither gender, or a third gender; such as genderqueer and agender. The yellow also represents non-binary attraction between the male and female genders.
Revolution is the name of the evil that started with Humanism and the Renaissance, passing through the French Revolution and many other evils, bringing chaos and disorder until our days. The world is being shaken and convulsed by one single Revolution. All the others to which historians give diverse names are but aspects of one single Revolution. It follows, necessarily, that this single Revolution must have an aspect related to a deformed attitude of the human spirit in a fundamental point. Once this fundamental error is made clear, one would easily understand its resulting errors.
What is this fundamental error? What is the goal of the Revolution? It is an egalitarian movement that aims to eliminate all inequality. By eliminating all inequality, it can establish total equality, which is total disorder. The total equality of the Revolution lies in its opposition to everything which is superior and anything which is not equal.
Sadly many people follow this egalitarian movement, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is, therefore, a duty to warn the great majority of Catholics about this movement.
Tradition, Family Property Association, ed., Egalitarianism: The Metaphysical Value and Religion of Our Days – Social Leveling…Total Leveling (Glasgow: Tradition, Family, Property Association, 2011), xiv-xv.