One might ask if the impending collapse can be avoided. We would answer that the course of history is not predetermined, although its lessons are often repeated. If we are to avoid the crisis, we must turn our efforts now to our grand return home.
![1936 children's Communist Army. History has a way of repeating itself from then to....](
1936 children’s Communist Army. History has a way of repeating itself from Communist supporters then to….
As Catholic countrymen concerned with the future of our nation, we appeal to our fellow Americans as the gathering storm approaches. Let us recognize those errors of the past that have led us so far astray. Let us rue the frenetic intemperance that threw our society and economy out of balance. Let us cultivate longings for our Father’s house and our Mother’s embrace. Above all, let us fervently beseech Almighty God to avert or mitigate the evils which our errors have brought upon us. And if this be not possible, and we are called to eat of the husks of the swine, then let us arise from our misfortunes like new Saint Pauls, humbled and chastened, to call our society back home, back to order.
![To current Communist protests, this one in Ferguson, Missouri. KKK and Revolutionary Communist Party, USA supporters. Photo taken by The All-Nite Images.](
…to current Communist protests, this one about Ferguson, Missouri, where KKK and Revolutionary Communist Party, USA supporters are displaying flags and signs. Photo taken by The All-Nite Images.
This was how Christendom was born. The humbled Prodigal Son who entered his father’s house in the hope of becoming a servant was exalted as a son beyond all expectations. So also we can expect a similar grand return home.
John Horvat II, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need To Go (York, Penn.: York Press, 2013), 349-50.