The variety of movements that God has placed in the Universe is gradual and harmonic, as are the gradations of hierarchy. This harmony of movement is an element of perfection in Creation.
Let’s reflect upon how life unfolds in a just man. The man is born, blossoms in adolescence with a movement rich in harmony, and nobly becomes mature; he grows old with dignity and, when God summons his soul, it is like a precious fruit being harvested, only to be born into Heaven. This trajectory is beautiful.

What does the revolutionary spirit want? It wants that men be children until the day of their death.
What does the revolutionary spirit want? It wants that men be children until the day of their death. Whether well-off or not, all should appear to have the same young age.
The Revolution does not tolerate the Divine plan, which establishes inequality between the ages. Meanwhile, when it is obliged to recognize that it exists, which after all cannot be denied, it seeks to do it with colossal brutality, ignoring the gradations between the ages and despising old age as being worthless, since it produces nothing!