The Laws Of Unity

June 4, 2015

1: The Law of Continuity and Cohesion

Unity supposes an absence of interruption which may be verified in two ways: through continuity or cohesion.

Streets of Paris by Joaquin Pallares y Allustante

Continuity is the simple absence of deficiencies which exists that there might be no gaps in the [created] being.

Unity verified by cohesion is much more profound: in this case there is an internal articulation among the elements in such a way that they are linked one to the other by intimate and powerful bonds.

In a civilization, there must be continuity and cohesion between the social classes.

Flower Market In A French Town by Alfred Glendening.

Flower Market In A French Town by Alfred Glendening.

While numerous and profoundly different from each other, the entirety which they comprise is continual and cohesive.

It is continual because certain of them express themselves by means of the others; they mutually help one another and form an ensemble without the gaps which characterize revolutionary society.

Painting by Victor Gabriel Gilbert

Painting by Victor Gabriel Gilbert

And it is cohesive because although the classes are distinct, they esteem one another, defend each other, and among themselves do not consider one another as strangers or enemies. They love one another with the true spirit of Our Lord, Who at one and the same time was a Prince and a worker.

How all of this differs from the class struggle of the modern world!



O Universo é uma Catedral: Excertos do pensamento de Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira recolhidos por Leo Daniele, Edições Brasil de Amanhã, São Paulo, 1997

[ Translation]

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