In Memoriam
Marquis Luigi Coda Nunziante
On July 7, 2015 the Marquis Luigi Coda Nunziante di San Ferdinando passed away at his estate in Colognole (Firenze).
An exemplary family man, a refined man of society and a fervent Catholic, he spent most of his time doing social apostolate on behalf of the Faith and of Christian civilization. As president of Familia Domani he distinguished himself particularly in the defense of life and of the natural and Christian family. Despite his seriously weakened health, he courageously “fought the good fight” to the end of this earthly race (2 Tim 4: 6-8).

Speaking at the Nobility book launching at Pallavicini Palace, Rome, November 1993
A personal friend of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira’s, the Marquis Luigi Coda Nunziante will also be remembered as a great friend of the TFP. In 1993, he became a promoter in Italy of the last book by the renowned Brazilian Catholic thinker, Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in the Allocutions of Pius XII to the Roman Patriciate and Nobility. At its historic launchings at Pallavicini Palace in Rome, Serbelloni Palace in Milan, and Hotel Excelsior in Naples the Marquis Coda Nunziante profusely showed his commitment to what Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira called “one of the supreme efforts, in signo Crucis, to prevent Christian civilization from succumbing to the final and agonizing shipwreck to which it is allowing itself to be dragged.”
For this end, he founded the association Noblesse et Tradition, with which he organized various conferences in Italy and around Europe.
In paradisum deducant te angeli. “May the angels lead you to paradise,” a well-deserved reward for having “fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith,” according to the aforementioned text by the Apostle Saint Paul.