The lumen and pulchrum of Chivalry in the knight’s soul

September 10, 2015

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

El Cid

We imagine the knight as a Crusader because the Crusader is the perfect knight, the one who took the spirit and deeds of Chivalry to their highest degree.

We conceive him as a Crusader that advances against the adversary with an attitude of soul at the same time tense but calm, lucid and yet passionate; in which the first element that we note is neither the horse nor the armor but the knight’s soul.


It is because we find a certain reflection of the knight’s soul in his armor, the way he rides his mount and in his temperamental relations with his horse, that we see a beauty which is for us the lumen and pulchrum of Chivalry.

(Excerpt from a Saint of the Day of Friday, Feb. 16, 1990.)





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