By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Pius XII has a document in which he says that if he wanted, he would be entitled to call a crusade against communism; but he thought that for a number of reasons it was not the case to do it.
As far as we are concerned, the greater the risk that a crusade be misunderstood because of the laity’s lack of good spirit, the more urgent the need to convoke one, and to raise the standard of the Crusade among the faithful to prevent this spirit from perishing among them.
Thus, even if a crusade against the Moslems were not indispensable, we would do it as being necessary. It is needed for external reasons, and it is needed for internal ones. But the internal need for a crusade is greater than the external one.
(Excerpt from an Almoço, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1990 – translation)