Recipe in Honor of a Saint

December 4, 2023

Statue of St. Nicholas in Bourcq, France.

The veneration of the 4th century Saint and bishop, Nicholas of Myra (also “of Bari,” the resting place of most of his relics), is widespread in both the Christian East and West. In Russia it seems that only the Blessed Virgin Mary is more popular.

Speculaas, Spekulatius or Dutch Windmill cookies pictured with their molds. Traditionally speculaas are made by pressing the dough into a mold before baking in the oven. Traditionally speculaas are made by pressing the dough into a mold before baking in the oven. Traditionally speculaas are made by pressing the dough into a mold before baking in the oven. Traditionally speculaas are made by pressing the dough into a mold before baking in the oven.

Few historical records on him survived the harsh test of time, but the numerous miracles attributed to his heavenly intercession, have endeared him to so many that he has become a patron saint for sailors, children, brides, bakers, and fishermen.

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