What Is the Fire of Chivalry?

October 28, 2024

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

Our Lady slaying Satan from the pulpit of Adam and Eve, carved by Hendrik Frans Verbruggen, in St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral. Photo taken by Asaf Braverman.

Our Lady slaying Satan from the pulpit of Adam and Eve, carved by Hendrik Frans Verbruggen, in St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral. Photo taken by Asaf Braverman.

It is to have the resolution of soul to wage any battle, at any cost, in any way, facing every sacrifice, to attain the victory of Our Lady over the devil. Now, we cannot say that this spirit is as pure and unstained in us as what I am describing, correct? Then we must confide in Her: That She will grant us this spirit.


(Excerpt from a Chá of Monday, October 30, 1989.)

(Nobility.org translation.)


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