The past prepares the present, the present protects the past, and both of them elaborate the future.
A course followed is analogous to order in moving from one point to the next.
Stability is not immobility, but rather mobility in a single direction.

Photo of a dungeon at Seringapatam in India by Kiran Jonnalagadda. Those Catholics who refused to embrace Islam were imprisoned in such dungeons. The imprisonment, torture and murders of 60,000 Mangalorean Catholics at Seringapatam began on February 24, 1784 and ended on May 4, 1799, with their liberation by the British. Tippu Sultan, the Muslim ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, had 21 priests arrested with orders of expulsion to Goa, fined Rs 200,000, and threatened death by hanging if they ever returned. All of the Churches were raised to the ground.
To continue is analogous to living, and changing is something analogous to dying.
A country that progresses hastily and without Tradition is like a man that walks rapidly without a particular route to follow nor a destination!

On October 2010 Muslim terrorists murdered 58 Iraqi Catholics while they were attending evening Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Baghdad. “Enough! Enough!” shouted this three-year old toddler as he chased one of the Islamic terrorists gunning down the faithful and in response, the Mujahidin turned his gun on the valiant boy and riddled him with bullets.
Progress is Tradition continually renewed in its elemental accidents.
Tradition is the life which the seed receives from the fruit that contains it.
Tradition is a past that has a goal and that wants to arrive at a determined point.

The Capitulation of Granada, Painting by Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz. Boabdil gives the keys of the city to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Tradition is a legacy of the past that, joined with the present, gives meaning and orientation to the future.