February 22 – Blessed Émilie d’Oultremont de Warfusée

February 20, 2025

(October 11, 1818 – February 22, 1878)

Belgian nun. She founded the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix. She took the name Mary of Jesus.

The daughter of Émile d’Oultremont (fr) and Marie-Charlotte de Lierneux de Presles, she was born at Wégimont Castle. Her father served as Belgian ambassador to the Holy See in Rome. In 1837, she married Victor van der Linden d’Hooghvorst; the couple had four children. Her husband died in 1847.

Portrait of Bl. Émilie d’Oultremont, Mother Marie of Jesus.

In 1854, while praying at a chapel in Bauffe, she experienced a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Feeling that she had been called to religious life, she moved to Paris and set up a small religious community in her home. In 1857, she established a convent at Strasbourg; she founded the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix later that year.
She died in Florence, Italy at the age of 59.

Mother Mary of Jesus was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1997.


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